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Flow-e Anesthesia Machine
Extended functionality in the OR
Flow-e delivers personalized anesthesia for a wide range of patients suitable for complex cases as well as general procedures.
- Ventilation performance to ICU standards
- Safe low-flow anesthesia with Automatic Gas Control
- MAC Brain for improved control of depth of anesthesia
- Active hypoxia prevention with O2Guard
- Lung Recruitment Maneuvers to prevent postoperative complications
Introducing Flow-e
Dynamic Anesthesia Delivery
when Every. Breath. Counts.
Our unique anesthesia technology makes the difference
Safe and easy low-flow anesthesia
Automatic Gas Control (AGC) makes low-flow anesthesia delivery safe. With simple pre-settings, specifying the targeted inspired oxygen, end-tidal anesthetic agent levels and required speed, AGC solves the rest. Our innovation offers high precision combined with improved comfort and increased safety. [1][2][3][4][5][6]
User-friendly anesthesia machine in the OR
4 drawers
One large and three smaller
Well-designed drawers take care of your space and storage needs. Slots for spare vaporizers and an optional lockable compartment
278 cm rails
For flexible mounting
An unmatched length of stepless rails enabling you to add all the monitors and accessories you need.
Produkterna, tillgängligheten för anestesisystemen i Flow-serien och programversionen kan vänta på regulatoriska godkännanden för marknadsföring i ditt land. Vänligen kontakta din Getinge-representant för mer information. De uttalanden som lämnas av läkare är uteslutande läkarens och speglar inte nödvändigtvis Getinges uppfattning.
Juridisk tillverkare · Maquet Critical Care AB · Röntgenvägen 2 SE–171 54 Solna · Sverige · +46 (0)10 335 73 00
Our unique anesthesia technology makes the difference
Automatic Gas Control (AGC)
Safe and easy low-flow anesthesia
Automatic Gas Control (AGC) makes low-flow anesthesia delivery safe. It is an option uniquely available with Flow-i machines. Automation eliminates the need of continuous manual adjustments: with simple pre-settings, specifying the targeted inspired oxygen, end-tidal anesthetic agent levels and required speed, AGC solves the rest. Our innovation offers high precision combined with improved comfort and increased safety. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
User-friendly anesthesia machine in the OR
Developed together with clinicians, the extended Flow-e anesthesia machine is designed to facilitate a great scope for configuration and patient safety. With an intuitive interface and emphasis on ease of use [16], our anesthesia solutions ensure a streamlined workflow and efficiency in the operating room that offers enhanced cost control and resource management.
Our anesthesia workstation
Our anesthesia workstation
Customized to match your needs
USB ports for data transfer and power supply are easily accessible. Three step dimmable LED lights up the workspace.
A flexibel touchscreen, with quick access presets, gives you one point of control for all functions. 15” tiltable and rotatable touch screen.
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Visible and accessible
For convenient placement of tubes, manual breathing bags, suction tips and other accessories.
Easy to change
Practical for your everyday needs
Extensive and flexible mounting options with 5 multipurpose rails
Read moreWell-designed drawers take care of your space and storage needs. - Integrated slots for spare vaporizers - Soft close drawer - Lockable compartment (optional)
Read moreEnhances device mobility
Less clutter, easier cleaning and improved mobility
Heltäckande service och support
Undvik att avbryta procedurer
Anslut och ta kontroll
Webbportalen Getinge Online ansluter dig till alla Getinge-enheter och ger dig tillgång till värdefulla data som hjälper biomedicinska analytiker och läkare i deras dagliga arbete. Portalen är ett kraftfullt verktyg för att förbättra drifttiden och effektivt använda sjukhusets resurser.
- Förbättra drifttiden i operationssalen
- Minska kostnader och koldioxidavtryck
Ett enhetligt erbjudande
Getinges heltäckande tjänster maximerar drifttiden och det långsiktiga värdet av din investering. Vi tillhandahåller en serviceplan som innefattar proaktivt underhåll, enkel felsökning och snabb service av våra certifierade lokala representanter – så att din utrustning hela tiden fungerar optimalt.
Förbrukningsartiklar av hög kvalitet
Getinges sortiment av originalförbrukningsartiklar är särskilt utvecklat för högsta möjliga patientsäkerhet och användarvänlighet. Våra originaltillbehör och förbrukningsartiklar garanterar bästa prestanda och säkerhet för anestesitillförselsystemet inom Flow-serien.
Anslutningar mellan system
MSync gör det enkelt att ansluta Flow-maskinen till patientmonitorn, HIS och patientdatahanteringssystemet utan behov av ett tredjepartssystem. Patientdata överförs via HL7 (MSync) i realtid för att stödja beslutsfattande.
Marketing Sales - Brochures
The Getinge Online web portal connects you to any Getinge device, getting access to valuable data that will support biomeds and clinicians in their daily work.
Marketing Sales - Case Studies & Abstracts
O2Guard Flow Anesthesia Family
Alveolar and cardiac benefits
Case report from two Swedish hospitals
Sustainability, Flow Anesthesia, Belfast hospitals, environmental footprint
Getinge innovation, Automatic Gas Control, can help hospitals lower anesthetic waste by up to 58 percent
White Papers
Visit our Academy – training and education designed to enhance your proficiency
For more information about onsite events or remote trainings, you can also contact your local sales & service representative.